Lungebetennelse hos irsk ulvehund er en livstruende tilstand, og i dag en av de vanligste dødsårsakene hos hundene våre. De siste årene har det derfor vært gjort mye for å få vite mer om årsaken til at våre hunder blir så hardt rammet og ofte får lungebetennelse igjen og igjen.
Finske Sanna Viitanen er en av dem som har forsket på dette og nå kommer hun til oss for å dele av sin kunnskap.
Graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Helsinki in 1999 and worked first at private small animal clinics and from 2010 at the Veterinary Small Animal Teaching Hospital at the University of Helsinki. After graduation has finalized a PhD investigating bacterial pneumonia in dogs (2017) and has participated in a residency program in small animal internal medicine and successfully passed the examinations to obtain a title of European Diplomate in Small Animal Internal Medicine (Dipl. ECVIM-CA).
Currently involved in both clinical patient work as well as research and teaching. Came across recurrent bacterial pneumonia in Irish Wolfhounds first during PhD work (2012-2015) and has continued investigating the disease since that.