Dommer: Eileen M. Flanagan
Carrickaneena (US)
48 stilte hunder
I would like to thank the Irish Wolfhound Club of Norway for the opportunity to judge at your Specialty in Gol, Norway. It was my first time visiting Norway, and I thoroughly enjoyed the country, the people, and most of all, the hounds. Before I go into detail on those hounds, I must thank Øivind Berg Larsen for managing my accommodations and travel so that I had the opportunity to see so much in such a short time.
And especially for making sure that I got to my various modes of transportation without confusion, thank you!
The show venue was lovely and so well organized; not an easy task as we know well. Anne Mettte Mikkelsen and her committee had every eventuality covered, so that the show ran seamlessly. Signe Korsøen Tofting seemed to be everywhere at once, including collecting me from the train. My ring steward Siren Næss not only managed to find me on the train; she managed to find a private car so she could ensure I understood the judging system, and answered all my questions. She kept both the ring and me organized and running like clockwork.
My talented ring secretary Eva Lill Bratlie was amazing; I don’t know how you kept up, but I will be forever grateful for your guidance and help.
Thank you to all the exhibitors who trusted and allowed me to go over and critique your Wolfhounds. Everyone was welcoming and accepted my opinions with grace. I hope we will meet again soon.
Now, on to the hounds. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every hound who stepped into the ring. My Best Puppy and Best of Opposite were both handfuls, and enjoying their day out. Both were balanced, curvy and strong, and they had such beautiful heads.
Thank you all for your patience with them, as I enjoyed their antics. With the exception of one young bitch, the puppies had very solid temperaments. That one puppy I hope just needs some time. She was at that age where the world can be a very scary place, but with some time, patience and a bit of work she should come around nicely.
Puppies are difficult to judge, because they change so quickly, and what I might fault today may completely correct in a week’s time. In all, the puppies showed great promise for the future of the Irish Wolfhound in Norway.
My Junior dog and bitch were both balanced and curvy. Both had great length of leg and good strong necks that blended well into their shoulders. In the Intermediate ring, both dog and bitch had great length both in body and leg. I will look forward to seeing them all as they fulfill their
promise as adults.
The Veterans were all marvelous, especially my veteran bitch. She had the knowledge of the ages in her eyes, and I could have sat with her all day. Also exceptional was the Veteran male who came in later for a critique. He was so handsome; I wished he could have been in the classes.
My best dog and bitch both took my breath away. It was difficult to decide between them, and I would have been thrilled with either one of them. Then, when I was told they were littermates it all made sense. The male was masculine, but without coarseness, with great reach and drive on the move. His head was lovely with beautiful rosed ears. His neck was strong, and flowed smoothly into his topline which held well both standing still and moving. In comparison, his sister was as feminine as he was masculine. She moves so lightly on her feet, and covers ground effortlessly. She is a series of curves from the top of her head through her neck and topline. She has such a noble bearing. In the end, the brother just seemed to get stronger with every step he took, and that made my final decision. I would be proud to have either of them for my own. Both exemplified «Commanding appearance».
I have to commend you all. The adults without exception were shown in good muscular condition. Every hound seemed fit and healthy, and their coats were very good. I did not find any soft, linty coats which are so difficult to maintain. There were very few narrow lower jaws – a fault that has been growing in numbers worldwide. It couples with lower canines that erupt into the roof of the mouth. Our hounds’ ancestors needed not only to catch and grab a wolf; they also needed to be able to dispatch it. The weak lower jaw would make this an impossible feat. Another fault which I saw with some regularity is the front assembly. The front carries 60 percent of the hound’s weight. Therefore, its structure is vital. Our standard calls for the front to be «well set under». This requires a well laid back scapula and an equal length upper arm. If either of those is too short, it affects both the ability to cover ground efficiently at the trot, and to absorb the shock at the gallop. The front is first and foremost a shock absorber, and needs the proper balance to function properly.
In comparison, the rears on the whole were quite good. Much of that is thanks to the conditioning you all excel at. Again, thank you for the honour of judging your hounds.
Fjorårets Irske Ulvehund 2018, Setanta O'Marksbay, ble Best In Show på Spesialen 2019 under dommer Eileen B. Flanagan. "Fargo" er eid og oppdrettet av Knut Olav Wille og Øivind Berg Larsen. Best i Motsatt kjønn ble kullsøsteren, Sinead O'Marksbay.
BIS Veteran ble den 8 år og 9 måneder gamle tispen Paloma Faith O'Marksbay. Paloma eies av og er oppdrettet av Knut Olav Wille og Øivind Berg Larsen. 9 år og 3 måneder gamle Cormacs Xavier ble BIM Veteran. Xavier er eid og oppdrettet av Gunn Marit og Odd Myhre.
BIS Unghund ble Ballygran's Ithel Innis, mens Ballygran's Igraine Isabéal ble BIM. Begge hundene er eid og oppdrettet av Anne Mette Mikkelsen.
BIS Junior ble tispen Comedias It's About Energy- eid av Therese Granlund Haugen og oppdrettet av Ellinor Jonsson. BIM junior ble Raindogs Henley- eid av Ingebjørg Henni og oppdrettet av Nicola Grandis.
BIS Valp ble Hallinghuldra's Apollo Light'n Life - eid av Kristell Edvartsen og oppdrettet av Liss Ingeborg Hansen. BIM valp ble Anne Mette Mikkelsens Ballygran's Jacolin Jolene.