Dommer: Shirley Sharpe
Telgar (GB)
62 stilte hunder
It was a very great honour to be invited to judge your Norwegian Club Show and I very much enjoyed it. The atmosphere and the setting were superb, if perhaps I was too kind in handing out red ribbons, please put this down to a foreigner judging for the first time in Scandinavia, your system being very different to the UK.
There was a bit variation in type, more so in dogs than in bitches, and there seemes to be a shortage of really top class males, whereas there were a number of bitches that could have taken top honours. I was surprised at a lot of the mouths of dogs over two years of age, some of the teeth were nearly worn away. Heads on the whole were good but there were lots of short ribcages, long loins and straight upper arms. Movement generally was good and having watched the dog racing the day before, I could see why most movement was easy and active.
I was very pleased with my winners, the dog big and upstanding, commanding to be looked at, strode out round the ring in a most eye catching way, and the bitch I really loved! I had no idea that this was an English import and a Marumac as well. She is beautifully constructed, totally correct with a long ribcage that is well carried back, just the right amount of loin and sweeping hindquaters from hip to hock. I couldn't find anything to beat her for best bitch and Best In Show.
If you can breed on from such good animals as these, then the breed will have a secure future in Norway.
BIS ble Marumac Eglanteena, eid av Remi og Steinar Stenersen, oppdrettet av Mary McBryde. BIM ble Rovaleco's Abork Ablaze, eid og oppdrettet av Vigdis Larsen.