Dommer: Joel Samaha
Meadowbrook (US)
69 stilte hunder
Video av Spesialen:
How do you regard the Norwegian Irish Wolfhounds? Do you see any difference in quality between the sexes?
I was impressed overall with the size, strength, bone, substance, and correct greyhound form of the Norwegian hounds. You must be doing many things right. I admire your hounds and your breeders. The breed in Norway is obviously in good hands. Keep up the good work and appreciate how well off you are at this time. It's easy to lose those good qualities of your hounds. Remeber, that reproduction in any species tends toward mediocrity. In our breed we are pushing nature to the extreme. That presents us with a special and difficult challenge.
Likes and dislikes regarding the dogs you judged?
As in all things, many hounds are average and we always like to see the exceptional. I saw some exceptional hounds and most of the rest were well above the average that I see. Most places have the challenge of improving their hounds. I would say that Norway's challenge is saving as good as you've got.
BIS ble Westmount Prince Axl, eid og oppdrettet av Eva og Jan Söderqvist. BIM ble Cazavina's Black Pearl Of Rovaleco, eid og oppdrettet av Ing-Mari Johansson.