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Spesialen 2024

Dommer: Liz Thornton
39 stilte hunder

Spesialen 2024 gikk på Gol Campingsenter i nydelig sommervær 22. og 23. juni.

Her er dommer Liz Thorntons oppsummering av utstillingen:

I’d like to start by thanking you all for a really enjoyable experience. It was indeed a special few days in the mountains in Gol, thank you for bringing your hounds for me to assess.

A personal failing of mine is the inability to describe a dog well enough when I talk to a ring secretary, so apologiesfor any errors this good lady made, it was all my fault. I hope to expand below on what i said on the day to make more sense of my overall impressions.

To begin with, you have very few big issues to worry about where conformation is concerned. Your breeders aren't going all out for immense height, the standard only needs an average and that average isn’t “ as tall as possible”. No hounds were too small either. This meant pretty much all of the entry were of good height but were also sound easy movers, as with great height too often comes straight lines rather than soft sighthound curves. Most coats were goodor excellent texture and length, heads well furnished.

I’d say the “ drag on the breed” continues to be front construction, and this is a world wide breed fact of life. You willknow that endurance calls for decent width of chest with sloping shoulders plus sloping upper arms to set the foreleg well under the hound. The arch of neck is also a breed feature which is not especially common but wonderful to see. Low hocks producing strong drive are also at a premium. Others have made the point that a strongly muscular rear end with good bend of stifle will maintain a hound into old age, should the dog be fortunate enough to avoid cancer and the other killers.

I tend to make a point about ears when i judge nowadays as wherever one goes in the world ears which are small and greyhound like in carriage are in the minority. Years ago I visited Carin Lindhe’s Mountebanks kennels and was so impressed by ears on every hound there, which I described at the time as “ tiny, well tucked back and leaf thin”.This kennel had several sight hound breeds back then and ears were clearly a passion for this breeder. It made me see what might be possible.

Some of the younger hounds were flying their tails. I didn’t comment individually, as it can be transient.I didn’t find aconstructional reason for this, one would expect to see narrow and perhaps steep croups at the same time as a high tail and I didn’t. Hopefully something the youngsters will grow out of as they balance out.

So, lots of sound and well shaped hounds and ears are only one small point, after all. What did i find on my winners which brought them to the top?

Best in show a male who impressed me when he first came into the champion class. Ynverness O’Marksbay, He was in perfect coat, enhancing his outline. I think the shape of this hound is his finest attribute, the “every part fits into the next” flow with no exaggerations. You could look at him from any angle and be impressed by his shape and also how he carries himself. He combines houndy shape with substance through the body, beautiful male head too. An eye-catching dog for all the right reasons. I now see I “ found” many of his descendants for the top of their classes. The reason he didn't win the offspring class? Although all good quality and amongst my top winners his group wasn’t resembling their sire. When I judge this class I like to see a hound “stamping it's type” on his progeny, which the winner had done more towards in my opinion. However for sound movement and quality heads it was a very good lovely group indeed.

I was also very taken by the second in this strong class, Ballygran’s Ithel Innis. He would already be a veteran in the UK but only showed his age in movement, which was a stately trot - you got the impression this gentleman would not want to be hurried. So accurate in his movement, again a lovely outline and short hard coat, he has the nobility which this breed can display, is balanced on long legs, dead sound with beautiful head carriage and that far seeing, aristocratic expression.

Third was Magh Itha’s Altocumulus, what a fantastic mover this smaller dog is, all the scope and activity one could wish for and later he showed that he is passing this on. His group of progeny won on their resemblance to each other, and their sire, with many of his qualities not least his spacious action.

A son of best of breed won the cac, Darrowby Balmy Breeze O’Marksbay, a youngster from the junior class. I remember liking his strong round bone and capacious chest, he moved soundly and with accuracy. Lots of good musculation on long, well bent stifles. Best young hound.

Reserve for the certificate the winner of the Open class, Chaos in Motion’s Pretty Vacant. I took a great photo of him standing at the judges table when i critiqued him. Only two and a bit, so there should be much more to come. Balanced, well muscled hound with lovely bend of stifles and a long well set tail. Better ears would have enhanced the overall picture.

Finally the only ( baby) puppy entrant, dog puppy Comedias Gabriel Angel of Strength. I just loved this puppy and wouldn't change a thing about him for his age. I was however holding my breath that this gambolling, happy,bouncing puppy could put in just a few trotting steps to prove he would, one day, be able to do it. Masses of bone, super head, huge broad curvy stifles. What a lovely prospect.

Over to the bitches where there was just one hound in the entry who refused to let me go over her, no doubt the sight of me wielding a measuring stick was enough to put her off me (the day before, she didn’t want my ministrations then either) A very beautiful puppy, once the brain fairy visits she will be well worth the effort of teaching her what is required via steady socialisation.

My favourite amongst the bitches was Greirish Lie Detector, a fully mature dark brindle shown in very good condition. What wonderful dignity and carriage this hound possesses, she sailed around the ring with assurance. You don't often see “ commanding appearance” from a bitch, she has it to spare. Long legged, curvaceous and dead sound. Her high head carriage was the icing on the cake for me. Beautiful.

The CAC went to Heidivawin’s Chilli Saga from the open class, this was a good class indeed. She was also second in best bitch competition. I liked her size and scope, her lovely action and especially her wonderful capacious chest. She looks every inch a hunting hound with the length of leg to put in a great stride.

Res CAC and second to her another beauty, smaller build than the winner but later she took the movement trophy. Ballygran’s Kaitlyn Kaylin is so well made and covers the ground fantastically. However she was a little uncertain today, without ever backing off, a little more confidence for this youngster would complete the picture.

Third in the best bitch competition Quinquinas Dixie, a strongly built yet very feminine hound with masses of bone and great spring of ribbing. Lovely bend of stifles with hocks well let down.

Fourth amongst the females, no 3’s half sister Quinquinas Excelent Eireen, well named as I’m sure she’s had lots of exc in her time in the ring. Lovely head with especial mention of well rosed ears. Needed a touch more layback of upper arm and length of second thigh for perfection.

The junior class ( female) was won by a very striking cream brindle puppy of nine months, Monkabang Run Away with Me. Beautiful head, neat ears, darkest pigment. Everything is where it should be for age and she moved soundly with precision, great for such a youngster. Built on long lines, I would hope for some arch over the loin later, she has lots of promise.

The only veteran was Cormac’s Kenya, a strange feeling to know now that her sire was my junior BIS 2 the last time I judged here. Where did that time go?! A confident and typical old girl who understandably wasnt as active as nodoubt she was in previous years, shown in great condition.

Best head, and please examine the photographs, Kimassok’s Walk All Over Me. I was delighted to hear that no less an authority than Mary McBryde had given this girl the same award last year. I really think I need add nothing more.

I havent yet mentioned the breeder class, headed by kennel Chaos in Motion. Something of an art, being able to pull together a group of hounds similar in appearance and attributes, well done with this win over other super groups of hounds.

thank you again for bringing such nice hounds for me to look at. Elizabeth ( Liz ) Thornton

BIS/BIM 2024

Best in Show ble C.I.B. N SE DK UCH NJUB CH NJV-21 Ynverness O'Marksbay - her med eiere og oppdrettere Øivind Berg Larsen og Knut Olav Wille.

Best i motsatt kjønn ble N UCH Greirish Lie Detector, oppdrettet av Per Lundström, med handler Malene Haddeland Kristiansen og eierne Sverre Blikra og Eva Matre.

BIS Veteran

BIS Veteran ble Cormacs Kenya her med oppdretterne Odd og Gunn Marit Myhre.

BIS Unghund

BIS Unghund ble C My Irish Spottings by O’Marksbay, oppdrettet av Knut Olav Wille og Øivind Berg Larsen, eid av Svere Blikra og Eva Matre, handlet av Malene Haddeland

BIS/BIM Junior 2024

BIS Junior ble Darrowby balmy Breeze of O’Marksbay, eid av Anne Birgitte Larsen og Per Arne Flatberg, oppdrettet av Knut Olav Wille og Øivind Berg Larsen.

BIM Junior ble Monkabang's Runaway With Me, eid og oppdrettet av Monica Jensen

BIS Valp 2024

BIS Valp ble Comedias Gabriel Angel Of Strength, oppdrettet av Ellinor Jonsson.

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